Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wondermill 70-WJDELUXE

Wondermill 70-WJDELUXE

Buying Wondermill 70-WJDELUXE. It's a pretty big claim to call your product "The World's Best." But we know that after you have used the Wonder Junior Hand Grain Mill that you will agree. For years hand grain mills have either been really cheap or really expensive. And unfortunately their ability to perform has been directly related to their cost. The cheap ones perform poorly and the expensive ones perform great... ... » Learn more about Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain / Flour Mill by Wondermill.

Review for Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain / Flour Mill by Wondermill.I haven't found my way to trying out quite every possible bean, seed, and grain they say it can grind, but here's what I did try:Quinoa: So far, this is my main staple. It grinds a fine quinoa flour which is perfect for breads, cakes, no bake cookies, or even just pour 2:1 boiling water on it and have a grits/malt-o-meal hot cereal in about 30 seconds.A full hopper grinds down int... ... » Read more about Wondermill 70-WJDELUXE.

Wondermill 70-WJDELUXE » Lowest Price .

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